Why Sticky Foods Are Such a Problem for New Denture Wearers

Dentures are great devices to restore a smile. They also give you the ability to eat the foods you love, but many foods can cause problems for denture wearers. One of the most problematic is sticky foods. Sticky foods like chewing gums and gummy candy can pose several different problems for denture wearers, and people most affected by sticky foods are new denture wearers.

How Sticky Affect Denture Wearers

The problem with sticky foods is twofold for denture wearers. Sticky foods have a tendency to stick in the teeth of dentures. Many new denture wearers have a hard time cleaning their dentures, but sticky foods can make it just that much harder.

Since dentures need to be cleaned daily after being worn, the stuck-on food like gummy candy can be a hassle to clean off and it may take extra time. Another problem with sticky foods is that they are typically very sugary. Sugary foods that sticks to your dentures can cause gum disease if not taken care of properly, because the bacteria in your mouth loves to eat sugar.

The other problem with extremely sticky foods is with how it affects the dentures while in use. To use most dentures, you will need some denture adhesive to keep them in place. Sticky foods can make the adhesive weaker. It does this by pulling on the dentures each time you chew the sticky food. If you enjoy sticky foods in the morning, your denture adhesive may not last past lunch. Then, you will need to take the extra time to reapply the denture adhesive which can be quite frustrating.

If you would like any other denture tips, give us a call. We like to give as much information as we possibly can so that you can keep good oral health and stay safe while doing so. We can also talk about other foods that new denture wearers need to be cautious of if you’re interested.

What Can Dental Bonding Be Used For?

It’s difficult to deal with a broken or chipped tooth. It can be very painful, hinder your daily dental health routine, and negatively affect your quality of life. The same thing can also be said for a tooth that has suffered damage due to decay. Fortunately, there are restorative measures that can be used to solve your problems.

Dental bonding can be broken down into two types of material. The first is called direct composite. Direct composite is used for a wide range of restorative methods, but the most common use is in cosmetics. Sometimes a chipped or broken tooth is not very painful, but you would like it to look like it used to. Dental bonding is the perfect material for this. The other type of dental bonding is known as adhesive bonding. Adhesive bonding is used to firmly attach prosthetics like crowns, bridges, and veneers to the tooth.

How Direct Composite and Adhesive Bonding Are Used

Direct composite is a viscous material that is easily shaped which makes it great for restoring the shape of a tooth. When getting direct composite, we’ll clean your tooth so it has a good surface to bond to. Afterwards, we will place some of the direct composite onto the damaged tooth and carefully shape it. Once the correct shape is achieved, we use an ultraviolet light to cure it making it hard and durable. This method is best used on molars that have been damaged.

Adhesive bonding can’t be shaped in the same way direct composite can be shaped. However, it provides a very strong bong between the tooth and a prosthetic. Your tooth will be cleaned similarly to when applying direct composite, however, there are many different cleaning methods available depending on the situation. Once the tooth is cleaned, the adhesive will be placed on your tooth than the prosthetic on top of that.

At our office, we use both types of dental bonding and are very familiar with how they work, if you’re interested in learning mores, give us a call. We can provide more information.