Benefits of Going with Implants Over Dentures

If you need to have most or all of your teeth replaced, you have two options: dentures or implants. Both replace your missing natural teeth with durable artificial ones, but they do so in different ways. Implants were once considered cutting-edge dentistry, but today, they’re a routine procedure that many people get. Here are a few of the reasons why you may want to go with implants over dentures.

They’re Permanent

Implants are permanent additions to your mouth. You don’t have to take them out to clean them, and there’s no need to use any type of adhesive to hold them in your mouth. Your implants are a solid fixture that will look and feel just like natural teeth. This makes eating, talking, and smiling feel much more natural.

They Don’t Require Special Cleaning

With dentures, you need to remove them from your mouth and soak them regularly to make certain they’re clean. With implants, though, all you need to do is brush and floss them like you normally would. There’s no special additional cleaning you need to do. As long as you can get into the habit of brushing a couple times a day and flossing at least once, your implants will last for quite some time.

You Don’t Have to Worry about Slips

Denture adhesive does a great job of keeping your dentures secure in your mouth, but it’s not the same as having implants permanently installed. Dentures can always slip and come unstuck, and that can be embarrassing. You’ll never have to worry about that occurring if you have implants.

Likewise, food particles can find their way under your dentures, causing irritation. You then have to remove the dentures and rinse out your mouth to get rid of the irritant. You never have to worry about that with implants.

Want to know more about getting implants? Contact us today to set up a consultation.

Are Dental Veneers the Only Options for Fewer Dental Imperfections Others Can See?

Veneers have been around for a while now. They are basically very thin and are custom made for each client so that they can hide the flaws in your smile. Not everyone has a smile they would be proud of; this might be because of one reason or another, including the way the teeth are spaced, shaped, or even colored.

Instead of just living with these flaws, a person can make use of veneers to get the smile they have always dreamed without spending a fortune to do so.

They Hide Cracks, Cover Chips And Discoloration

If you are worried about small cosmetic issues such as the ones highlighted above, then veneers should be the things you are looking for. Since these veneers are made of porcelain, they do not easily stain. Therefore, if your teeth are suffering from a defect such as discoloration or cracks that are visible, then veneers can help cover and remedy some of these problems.

They Easily Look Like Real Teeth

The last thing someone wants is to go for a restoration option that looks obviously fake. If you are looking for something that looks more natural, than veneers are the way to go. Even from up-close, it’s not that easy to differentiate between the veneer and the actual tooth. Since veneers are custom-built, they take the exact shape of the tooth and space where they are allotted. This is what gives them their natural appearance within the mouth.

Veneers are a true asset for someone who values their smile. They can hide a lot of the imperfections that most of us wish we didn’t have. When someone has misaligned teeth, broken ones, or even gaps between the teeth that should be filled, veneers could be the answer. Not only do we give world-class care when you come to see us, but we also make sure that everyone leaves with a smile they can be proud of.