If your teen is getting ready to start their journey for Invisalign treatment in Martinsville, it may worry you that they will someday forget to wear their clear aligners, accidentally misplace one, or unwittingly lose one because your pets made it their chew toy. 

Having said that, it is obviously alarming that this carelessness could result in a delay in treatment. If this describes how you’re feeling, know that you are not alone. We need to work together to help ensure your teen’s teeth move in the right direction and achieve the desired results. We have compiled 4 tips from local orthodontists of Aesthetic Dental Group that both you and your teenager can use.

Is Your Teen Responsible Enough for Any Long-Term Endeavor?

As a parent, you want what is best for your teenager for you want them to have straight teeth, but you also want them to be responsible because the intention of achieving the perfect smile will naturally take time. It can be hard to know if your teenager is ready for any long-term endeavor, but there are some signs that they may be ready for Invisalign treatment. 

First, consider whether your teenager is taking care of their oral health. They should be brushing and flossing regularly, and they should be keeping up with their dental appointments. If they are not taking care of their oral health, it is unlikely that they will take care of their Invisalign treatment. 

Second, consider whether your teenager is compliant with other commitments. If they are not following through on other obligations, such as homework or chores, it is unlikely that they will follow through with Invisalign treatment. 

Finally, consider whether your teenager has expressed interest in Invisalign treatment. If they are interested in the treatment and are willing to commit to the required appointments and treatments, they are likely to be compliant with the Invisalign treatment plan. 

If you are considering Invisalign Teen Treatment in Martinsville, talk to your orthodontist to see if it is right for them.

Have You Both Gone to Your Orthodontist to Discuss the Treatment?

As orthodontists, we are often asked by parents why it is important to consult with an orthodontist before undergoing the procedure. The simple answer is that there are many factors to consider when straightening teeth. An orthodontist is best equipped to determine which course of treatment is best for each individual patient.

We wouldn’t want a patient just waltzing in the clinic one day and asking for aligners right away.  

It is important to be aware of the potential risks and side effects of any orthodontic treatment, as well as the expected results. By level-setting expectations with both parents and teens, we can ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands what the process will entail. 

Consultation with an orthodontist is the best way to ensure that you or your teen receives the best possible care. 

Having Known Enough Information, Are You Still Up for The Treatment?

We orthodontists always encounter the question as to the cost-effectivity of Invisalign treatment. The short answer is that it depends on the patient’s willingness to comply with the treatment plan. 

Invisalign is a great option for straightening teeth, but it requires a high level of compliance from the patient. There are a few things that patients need to be aware of before they start treatment. 

First, Invisalign aligners need to be worn for 20-22 hours per day. This means that they need to be taken out for eating and brushing and then put back in. 

Second, the aligners need to change every two weeks. This can be inconvenient, but it is necessary for the treatment to work. This is the best time to ask, “can I and my child commit to seeing our orthodontist twice every month?” 

Third, Invisalign treatment is more expensive than traditional braces. The cost will vary depending on the severity of the case, but it is typically at an average of $5000 (It can go higher or a little bit lower). 

Invisalign is a great option for straightening teeth, and it has gained popularity in recent years. It requires a high level of compliance from the patient. If you are willing to commit to the treatment plan, then Invisalign could be right for you. 

Invisalign Teen Treatment Martinsville

Are you ready to support your teen morally and financially as they go through the treatment?

As any parent of a teenager knows, the high school years can be tough. Not only are teens dealing with the challenges of academics and social pressure, but they are self-conscious about their appearance. A healthy smile is an important asset, but many teens feel embarrassed about their crooked teeth

Invisalign offers a way to straighten teeth without the need for traditional metal braces. However, the treatment can be expensive, and some parents may hesitate to provide financial support.

It’s important for parents to remember that Invisalign is an investment in their child’s future. 

A straight smile can boost self-confidence and help teens succeed in both their personal and professional lives. In addition, Invisalign treatment is often more comfortable and less visible than traditional braces, making it an ideal solution for teens who are self-conscious about their appearance. 

With adequate care, commitment, and support, Invisalign treatment can lead to a lifetime of happy and healthy smiles.


The thought of getting braces often brings teenagers (and their parents) to the Aesthetic Dental Group for a consultation. But what many don’t realize is that Invisalign treatment can be an excellent option for teenagers. Who want to straighten their teeth without the inconvenience and self-consciousness that comes with traditional braces. 

Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible, so no one will even know you’re wearing them unless you tell them. Since they’re removable, you can eat whatever you want and brush and floss your teeth with ease. 

If you’re a teenager who is considering orthodontic treatment, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our team of professionals to learn more about Invisalign. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have for both parents and teens to decide if Invisalign is right. See you at the clinic!