There are always questions that come with dental work. Whether it is just learning more about the dentist or practice, or the procedure that is going to be done; our professionals take the time to answer any and all questions that you may have regarding the procedure or practice.

Crowns are a common procedure that many patients come to our office for help with. They can provide a nice look inside the mouth and heal any issues, such as larger cavities or broken teeth that a person may have.

Here are some of the questions that we have been asked in the past regarding dental crowns and the procedure.

What is the Cost of the Crown Placement?

The cost of crown placement varies by person and specific situation. Our office can provide specifics on crown cost by calling us.

Are There Alternative Treatment Options for my Specific Situation?

There may be alternative treatment options available, but again, this depends on the situation. Our professionals can provide further information about this.

Are There Any Special Care Instructions That I Need to Keep in Mind?

Special care instructions will need to be followed for a short period of time once the procedure is complete. These instructions are given to our patients after crown placement. We can then go over them with the patient.

Do Dental Crowns Hurt or Need to be Replaced Often?

Dental crowns do not hurt, and when cared for like normal teeth, then they will be able to last for a long time.

If you are considering a dental crown or want to know if this is something that is going to be able to help you, speak with our office today to learn more. We can ensure that you get the information about a dental crown that you need to make an informed decision. Call us today to schedule an appointment to come in and speak with our dental professionals.