Dental veneers are a cosmetic procedure that can create an even smile due to imperfections such as cracked teeth. The procedure should be completed by a professional in order for the veneers to provide you with a natural-looking smile.

It takes precision and an eye for detail to ensure that your veneers are applied correctly and look best with your facial structure and existing teeth. By working with an experienced veneer specialist, you can ensure your smile will be natural instead of fake or unflattering.

Dental Veneer Problems

To be able to ensure you choose the right person for the job, it is best to understand how veneers can be applied in the wrong way. For example, bulky veneers will look artificial and people will be able to tell that your smile is not natural. Ask for photographs of other patients veneers to see the work completed by the professional.

Veneers that are a poor fit will lead to gum line issues as well as red coloring and irritation. Bleeding can occur which can stain the veneers at the edges which makes for an unnatural appearance. With a poor fit, you can experience infection as well as decay, which leads to another set of problems. It is important to ensure that your new veneers will be placed properly so that no issues like this happen in the future.

Often times, veneers are placed on the natural teeth that are too long. This can be unflattering and create a ‘horsey’ like appearance. Long veneers also lead to bite issues and gum irritation. There can also be a problem when veneers are not long enough. When veneers are too short, the individual may appear as they are older than they actually are, as teeth have a worn away appearance.

From the color and translucency to size and fit, everything must be considered in order to ensure veneers are fitted properly and look good for the patient. If you are considering veneers, give us a call today for a natural looking approach to cosmetic dental needs.