Your dentist in Bridgewater, NJ, hears a lot of questions. One of the most common ones is, “What Are the Early Signs of Dental Issues?” Although there isn’t an easy answer, there are several things that parents or patients should definitely keep an eye out for.

Common Dental Problems

One of the first signs of dental problems is bad breath or halitosis. Sometimes you just eat too much garlic and onions, so you brush your teeth and go on. However, if you consistently have a bad taste in your mouth, you probably have larger issues than yesterday’s lunch.

Mouth sores, such as canker sores that occur inside the mouth can mean greater trouble.

Cold sores and fever blisters, which occur outside the mouth on and around your lips, cannot be completely cured. They are caused by the Herpes simplex virus.

Oral thrush is the result of a yeast infection. It is often seen in infants, diabetes patients, people in cancer treatment programs, and those who wear dentures.

Tooth decay (also called cavities) is the most common dental problem in the United States. It develops when plaque, sugars, and starches combine on your teeth. The combination of these substances, with improper oral hygiene, can produce acids that eat away tooth enamel. Some medications can also cause tooth decay. The best defense is a healthy diet, regular dental checkups, and good oral hygiene practices.

Tooth sensitivity and tooth erosion go hand-in-hand with tooth decay. Both are often a sign that the enamel is weakening. They can also be the result of fracturing or fine cracks in the teeth or the beginning signs of an abscess.

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Although it is normally not prevalent until after 30, it can develop earlier as a result of some health problems or habits such as smoking.

When You Should See Your Dentist in Bridgewater, NJ

Knowing when to seek out the care of a dentist can mean keeping or losing a tooth.

If you experience chronic bad breath, you should see your dentist in Bridgewater, NJ for a routine checkup. Although mouthwash may work as a temporary mask, it will not solve the underlying problem.

Although most mouth sores go away within a couple of weeks, if yours linger, you should make an appointment with your dentist. Slapping a bit more over-the-counter medication on the problem won’t fix it.

Treating oral thrush can sometimes require an antibiotic. Most people just eat some yogurt and the yeast will clear naturally. Children should always be seen by a dentist. For adults, if the condition lingers or makes you uncomfortable, you should see your dentist.

If you develop a cavity, you should see your dentist as soon as possible. With a filling in place, the area has an effective seal against continuing damage.

Switching to a toothpaste specifically for sensitivity can help in some cases of Tooth sensitivity. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t mention the problem to your dentist. There are treatments available that can help strengthen enamel to repair damage and decrease sensitivity.

Gum disease is easily preventable with regular checkups and good oral hygiene. However, if you have red or swollen gums, bleeding while brushing, sensitive teeth, painful chewing, or bad breath you should have an oral exam. Gingivitis and periodontitis can develop into very serious problems.

Aesthetic Dental Group Solves Dental Problems

Mouth pain can be excruciating. Any time that you are experiencing pain you should seek immediate dental care. Aesthetic Dental Group can help keep your dental issues from causing you pain. Call us at 1-732-356-5050 to discuss your dental needs.

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